"I Have a Future!""

“I’m Thankful for City Mission”
C.J. first came to City Mission in 2018 and stayed for a year before moving out on his own. He was doing great until the COVID pandemic wreaked havoc in his life.
“During COVID, life showed up and things got very difficult, like, very difficult,” C.J. explained. “I ended falling back into the drugs again.” He went to rehab and then came back to City Mission for a second stay in November of last year.
“I think it’s important to recognize that when C.J. needed somewhere safe to come, somewhere he was going to be loved and accepted for who he is, he showed up here,” said Brad Nelson, City Mission’s Intake Coordinator. “The Mission provided an environment for C.J. to become the person God’s true will intended him to be.”
When C.J. came back to the Mission, he was welcomed back with open arms and with nothing but love at a time when he needed it most. “If I hadn’t come back to the Mission,” he explained, “I might not be alive today. Before I came to the Mission, I was just lost, spiritually broken, with no hope at all. You know, I knew exactly where it was going, and I was just scared because I didn't wanna die.”

C.J. grew up in Johnstown, PA. He was raised by his grandmother, because his mother was an addict, and his father was never really around. He had a good childhood. His grandmother raised him and his siblings in the church. But in 11tgrade, he started getting into trouble.
“That's when my life really took a whole different turn, because I started to give up then, you know,” C.J. explained. “I got hooked on the streets. I started drinking, smoking weed, and selling drugs. That’s when it all started.”
C.J. graduated from high school and bounced around from job to job for a while. Then, in 2010, his life really took a turn for the worse. He lost his mom, his grandmother, his grandfather, and his sister all within the span of less than two years. From then, his life started to spiral.
“It just went crazy,” he said. “I used to use the death in my family as an excuse for me to act out. I turned to drugs, like, heavy drugs, and I started getting into trouble. I ended up going to jail.”
When he got out of jail, he just went right back into the same mess he was in. “I was staying out in the streets, sleeping on back porches, and stuff like that,” he explained. And then one day, he just got tired of it. C.J. also has four kids, and his lifestyle was keeping him from being the father he wanted to be.
He came to City Mission and started working on himself and trying to turn his life around. Now, he goes to meetings and participates in mental health counseling and drug and alcohol counseling. He found a church home that he loves.
“Before I came to the Mission, my biggest challenge was myself. I was fighting demons, you know,” he said. “But today, I have a relationship with God again that’s very strong and deep. I can actually see the light again, like I have a future… I always looked at negative things, you know, and I see different now. I don't think the same way I used to think. I don't act the way I used to act.
“I'm thankful for the Mission because I have a life today. I have a future, and they provided that for me here when I didn't think it was possible. But it is possible, and if I can do it, anybody else can do it, because I've been through the pits, and I've been to dark places where there was no light at all.”
Recently, C.J. moved out of the Mission again and into his own place. Within a week after moving, the Mission hired him as a full-time Recovery Support Staff member, setting an example for the residents and helping to maintain a clean, safe, and healthy environment in our Men's Shelter.
“CJ went through our Resident Assistant program and was a phenomenal example for the new residents coming into our program,” said City Mission Director of Residential Programs, Leah Dietrich. “He encouraged them and was there to listen and to guide them towards recovery. He has such a heart for people and that love and light in his smile is inspiring!”
You can help make stories of life transformation, like C.J.’s, come alive at City Mission. Give today at: www.citymission.org.