bible study group

Programs/Services Overview

How We Serve

With an ever-growing need in our community, City Mission strives to meet individuals where they are to address the barriers they face to achieve a thriving life; ones such as physical health, mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, or domestic violence. Need Help now, Contact us

Compassionate Care

Our belief is that by first meeting the basic needs of food, shelter and clothing, we can then help each person build up a solid foundation.  
Compassionate Care:

  • We serve meals 7 days week/ 365 days a year to not only to City Mission residents but to community members in need
  • City Mission has four shelters:  Men’s, Women’s, Women with Children, and the Crabtree-Kovacicek Veteran’s House providing shelter for 160 individuals at any given time.
  • City Mission’s medical clinic provides acute medical care and bridges primary care services for residents and the community.
a resident in deep thought
resisent and staff member smile for photo

Life-Changing Programs

After basic needs are stabilized, City Mission provides programs to lead them towards their God-given purpose.
Life Changing Programs:

Community Outreach

Looking to help prevent homelessness in our community, City Mission’s extends services and healing outside of its shelter walls.
Community Outreach:

  • Samaritan Care food pantry offers food and clothing assistance for low income individuals and families along with prayer outreach
  • WeCARE Street Outreach provides free medical care, food and other vital resources to those living on the streets
  • City Mission’s Medical Clinic provide acute medical care and bridges primary care services.  Collaboration such as one with Centerville Clinics provides affordable care
walking down the tracks

RECOVERY at City Mission

former resident discusses recovery

Your Support Meets Needs & Transforms Lives

Your generous gifts provide life-changing carethat offers men, woman and children the chance for personal and spiritual wellness. Please help today!
Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom,which he has promised to those who love him?    — James 2:5