hits for homeless teams


Upcoming Events

City Mission has a busy, year-long calendar of events.  You can help support these events by attending, volunteering, or donating.  City Mission offers something for everyone, whether you enjoy eating sweets, playing golf, running, or more.  Below, you can find our Event Calendar and some event-related articles.  Mark your calendars for our next event!

Sweet Sunday

Diana's Perfect Disney Race Season

November 1st, 2024 to April 6th, 2025

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Sweet Sunday

Sweet Sunday

February 2026- Hilton Garden Inn at Southpointe

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Sweet Sunday

New Women's Shelter Grand Opening - TBA

July 2025
84 West Wheeling Street, Washington, PA 15301

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Sweet Sunday

Mission Possible X 5k Run/Fun Walk

August 2nd, 2025- Peterswood Park

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Sweet Sunday

8th Annual Golf Outing

August 18th, 2025- Valley Brook Country Club

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Sweet Sunday

Hits for Homeless with Range Resources

September 16th, 2025

Sweet Sunday

WCCF Gives

September 18th, 2025To Donate: click the button below to be directed, then enter
"Washington City Mission" in the Charity Search.

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Sweet Sunday

Angel Tree

Collection runs October - December
Contact: Shelley Kubincanek 724-222-8530 x 282 / Skubincanek@citymission.org

Amazon Wishlist
Sweet Sunday

Boxes of Love

Collection runs September 1st -November 1st
Contact: Anne Wightman 724-222-8530 x 266 / Awightman@citymission.org

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Past Events

City Mission Reports Annual Impact in the Community

Former Resident, Dave, tells his story
November 20, 2024

Homelessness is a growing problem in Southwestern Pennsylvania and all over the United States. 2023 saw a 12% increase in the homeless population from the year before, marking a record high in the US since homeless data was collected in 2007. The Wall Street Journal reports that 2024 is unfortunately on track to break that record once again. Now is the time for homeless shelters and rescue missions across the country to step up. Local communities must join the fight by investing in these organizations. If we don’t, this disturbing trend of rising homelessness rates will continue. The City of Washington and our surrounding communities have faithfully supported the City Mission for 83 years, and the staff and leadership at the Mission are ready and willing to serve. The City Mission reported its’ annual community impact results today. In the 2023/2024 fiscal year, the City Mission served 1,453 unique individuals, serving street homeless, sheltered homeless, and the working poor in our area. The Mission provided 84,912 meals, 47,288 nights of shelter, 14,319 medical clinic services, and 9,390 grocery bags to residents and community. Additionally, the Mission helped 150 homeless individuals transition into their very own homes. Their Career Training and Education Center helped 129 individuals obtain jobs. City Mission’s compassionate and holistic residential programs and services guided their residents who stay in the program for at least 90 days to a 69% overall success rate. Women and families are currently the fastest-growing homeless populations in the United States, and that impact is being felt locally as City Mission receives calls from homeless women every day. They simply do not have enough beds right now to house them all, and their waitlist continues to grow. In response to this growing need, City Mission is growing too. Over the past year, they have been raising funds to build a new 50-bed shelter for homeless women. In May of 2024, construction began on Sally’s Sanctuary, and the new facility is scheduled to open in July of 2025. “Before coming to City Mission, I was filled with fear,” said Mila, a former resident. “Since coming to the Mission, I am filled with hope.” Mila and her son, Caesar, came to City Mission with no hope. When they moved out of City Mission, Mila had a job and she and her son had their very own home. President and CEO Diana Irey Vaughan commented on the significance of the annual impact, “City Mission continually measures the impact we are making in the lives of our residents and the community. Our mission to share Christ, to shelter, to heal, and to restore the homeless to independent living—without discrimination. Mila is just one example of the impact of the City Mission. With the opening of Sally’s Sanctuary, our new 50-bed women’s shelter, in 2025, our annual community impact will grow significantly.” City Mission is standing up for those who have lost all hope, but they need the support of the community in order to continue the relentless work of bringing hope to the homeless. You can help! Over the course of the next year, there will be many opportunities to support City Mission. To find out more about how you can help City Mission fulfill the growing need within the community, visit www.citymission.org.

Beaming With Hope

Final Beam being set into place
October 18, 2024

On Thursday, October 17, City Mission hosted a “Topping Off Ceremony,” celebrating a significant milestone in the construction of Sally’s Sanctuary, their new 50-bed shelter for homeless women. The shelter won’t open until July of 2025, but the final steel beam has been lifted and lowered into place. At the “Topping Off Ceremony,” donors, staff, volunteers, and Board members got the opportunity to sign their name on the beam and leave a message before the beam, bearing the name of the building, was hoisted by a giant crane and set into place high up in the sky. “You can walk the whole world over and not find a place that cares for it’s homeless neighbors more than southwestern PA,” said Dr. Sally Mounts, City Mission’s retired Chief Development Officer, who the building is named after. “What we’re dedicating today is not just a building. It’s a chance to bring hope. God’s truly blessed us. Let’s continue to bless others.” City Mission’s recently-retired President/CEO, Dean Gartland, began the project to build the facility. In 2011, shortly after he took over as President/CEO, he and the Board of Directors laid out a vision for what they believed City Mission could become. “This women’s shelter is the last component of the masterplan for this footprint of the Mission that we first conceived thirteen years ago,” Gartland explained. “And now we’re so excited to see this building come up out of the ground and become a haven for women, a place to heal and be restored to independent living.” Current President/CEO, Diana Irey Vaughan, is carrying on the legacy of restoring lives at City Mission. She spoke about the need for this shelter in our community and how our new shelter will fulfill that need, offering 50-beds for homeless women, a women’s emergency shelter, an emergency family shelter, and an expanded childcare center. “I pray that God is now preparing the hearts of the women who will be coming through the doors of this new shelter,” Vaughan said. “And I pray that the hearts of our donors will continue to be opened so that we can continue the services we provide in Christ’s name.” Thank you for your support of City Mission. We could not do what we do without the compassionate and generous hearts of friends like you! Click HERE if you would like to donate to City Mission today.

Lift up the Word. Light up the World.

Pastor Lance Whitlock
May 3, 2024

“Lord, you are a light to us,” prayed City Mission’s President Emeritus, Dean Gartland, at our annual National Day of Prayer meeting last Thursday. “May your light shine through us to others. We pray for City Mission. Help us to continue to be a bright light in a dark time.” On Thursday, May 2, City Mission hosted our annual National Day of Prayer celebration in our Porter Pillow and Peggie Beaver Pillow Chapel. Leah Dietrich, Director of Residential Programs, acted as Master of Ceremonies, and Dr. Sally Mounts, Chief Development Officer, kicked off the event singing “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns. Next, City Mission staff members came up to speak and pray on a series of topics. Dean Gartland, prayed for City Mission. Manager of Church and Community Relations, Shelley Kubincanek, prayed for our local churches. Dr. Sally Mounts prayed for the military. Chief Financial Officer, Denny Kennedy, prayed for the state of Pennsylvania. Director of Development, Trisha Schum, prayed for the United States. Pastor Lance Whitlock, our Manager of Men’s Services, prayed for peace. RSS Supervisor/Chaplain, Jared Nolan, prayed for faith, and Volunteer Manager, Amanda Blakemore, prayed for children. The theme for this year’s event was: Lift up the Word. Light up the World, and each speaker presented a unique twist on the theme. “The churches in our community are such a beacon of light to each and every one of us,” said Shelley Kubincanek during her prayer for our local churches. “In today’s world where there is so much darkness, we need patience, kindness, humility more now than ever.” During Lance Whitlock’s prayer for peace, he explained, “It’s been said that we’re either going into a storm, we are currently in a storm, or we’re just coming out of a storm, but in the midst of it all, Jesus still speaks peace.” It was a beautiful ceremony to highlight the need for God’s grace to shine down on us all so that we, in turn, have the capacity to give grace to others.

Your Support Meets Needs & Transforms Lives

Your generous gifts provide life-changing carethat offers men, woman and children the chance for personal and spiritual wellness. Please help today!
For where two or three are gathered in my name,there am I among them.    —  Matthew 18:20