Group prayer session - 5 men lead by counselor


Biblically Based Counseling

Structured Approach

The Word of God is the guideline we follow to show people the way out of their problems, back to God, and back to independent living.  Within our Life Recovery phase individuals attend groups that address day today life skills from a practical and Biblical perspective.

These groups focus on:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Stress and Anger management
  • Drug and Alcohol Recovery
  • Planning for the future

We also utilize materials which addresses addictive behaviors with a Christian component which combine 12 step recovery with biblical teachings.  We believe in addressing client’s needs in a holistic way through materials that address the issues that they face whether challenges in parenting or addressing codependency and boundary issues.

We address the root problems of homelessness and have a proven track record of success. Need Help now, Contact us

interior of Chapel during a full service2 men reviewing their material during bible study

Education & Career Training

City Mission’s Career Training & Education Center manager provides instruction to a job searcher

Work for a Better Tomorrow

Being gainfully employed is the key necessary to reaching independent living.  City Mission’s Ansys Career Training and Education Center provides vocational services to all City Mission residents as well as an on-site computer lab, classrooms, and study areas.  Services provided include:

  • Educational & Career assessment
  • Assistance with Obtaining Documentation for Employment
  • Job readiness training
  • Resume & Professional Portfolio assistance
  • Job Search assistance
  • Connections to various local training & certification programs
  • Networking opportunities with local employers
City Missio staffer Brianna sit at her computer
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:  The old has gone, the new is here. —  Corinthians 5:17