"It's Gonna Be Incredible"

Nico Got Into W&J College!
Nico, a 25-year-old Army veteran and current resident of our Crabtree Kovacicek Veterans House, got a text recently from Washington and Jefferson College (W&J) with his letter of acceptance.
“That was a really good day,” he said. “I literally jumped for joy. I was screaming as loud as I could and running up and down the hallway.”
He ran out of the Veterans House and down our Freedom Path into the Men’s Shelter, where his Dad, Charles, is currently a resident. He found his Dad in the weight room and told him his good news. And father and son shared the moment that they had both been waiting for.
“I had some definite doubts about getting in,” Nico said. “It’s kind of a miracle, because I never took high school seriously. But everything just started coming together so perfectly. And I’m really excited about this new challenge. This is the starting point for me to become the man I desire to be.”
Nico came to City Mission a couple of months ago. His Dad, who was already a resident here, told him about the veterans program. “Come up here and get your life together,” his Dad told him. Nico decided to give it a shot.
When he came to the Mission, he met our Manager of Veterans Services, Steve Adams, who is a veteran and a former resident at City Mission. “He’s incredible,” Nico said of Adams. “Ever since I got here, he has taken me under his wing. He's shown me everything I need to do to set myself up for success.”

When Nico told Adams that his ambition was to become a Radiologist and that he was interested in attending nearby W&J College, Adams immediately got on the phone with Dr. Michael Crabtree, a City Mission Board Member and Psychology Professor at W&J whose name adorns our Crabtree Kovacicek Veterans House as an ardent supporter of our veterans program.
“Steve Adams is so committed to his role and to helping every single one of the veterans,” Dr. Crabtree explained. “He has a passion for helping them achieve their goals, and he always knows how to help and who to contact.”
Dr. Crabtree contacted the W&J admissions office on Nico’s behalf to help with the application process and to let them know some of Nico’s unique characteristics. “Nico represents the best of what comes out of City Mission,” he explained. “He is going to take the support he gets from City Mission and use it to move on to something exciting that represents a real opportunity for him. Nico is going to need all the tools that he gains at City Mission to face the challenges ahead and to have the resilience to push through. I have no doubt he will be successful given what he has already accomplished.”
When Dr. Crabtree, who just so happens to be the academic mentor for the W&J wrestling team, found out that Nico was interested in joining the team, he wasted no time in connecting him with Head Wrestling Coach, Tommy Prairie. Coach Prairie gave Nico a tour of campus and assisted him through the application process.
“The main thing that we look for in the W&J Wrestling program are passionate and driven individuals that want to be successful in all aspects of their lives,” said Prairie. “From my interaction with Nico, it’s clear he is not our typical freshman, but you can tell that he has a drive to improve his life and set himself up for the future.”
“My number one goal for Nico,” he added, “is to see him graduate in four years with a skillset to be successful going forward in all aspects of his life. Every achievement on the mat is a bonus.”
Nico is primed for this new challenge in his life. “This is going to take real discipline,” he explained, “a discipline I don’t think I’ve shown in my life yet. But I know it’s there. And that’s why I’m taking on this challenge. It’s gonna be the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, but it’s gonna be incredible to see it happen. I can’t wait.”
“I am thankful to the Mission,” he added, “because, no matter all the mistakes that I've made, I'm forgiven, and I'm able to start new.”
Real life change is possible. It happens here at City Mission. You can be a part of these everyday miracles by helping us turn our residents’ dreams into reality. www.citymission.org.