Thank you, Cub Scout Pack 1313

Making the World a Little Brighter
Thank you to the Arrow of Light scouts of Pack 1313 in McMurray! We are so grateful for their generosity and hard work in supporting the homeless veterans at City Mission! This amazing group of scouts, made up of 8 fifth-grade boys planned and organized a community service project for the Mission as part of their citizenship adventure.
They contacted us to find out what items we needed. Then, they worked together to create a plan to fundraise enough money to purchase all the items on our needs list. They set a fundraising goal of $500 and decided to create a video to get the word out. They wrote their own script and enlisted help from the Lions (Kindergarten scouts) to assist in making the video and raising funds.
"City Mission holds a special place in our hearts as we have volunteered there for many years," said Jenna Mallegol of Cub Scout Pack 1313. "The scouts wrote the script for the video themselves, and the parents sent it out via social media."
The response to their fundraising efforts was overwhelming, and they were able to raise more than six times their initial goal! In total, they raised $3,200. With that money, they purchased everything on our needs list and more: clothing for 30 veterans, toiletries, snacks, and coffee. They also purchased pizza for a pizza party with our veterans. And they had enough left over to make a very generous $2,000 donation to City Mission!
Thank you, Pack 1313, for showing what kindness, leadership, and teamwork can accomplish to make the world a little brighter place. Your support means so much to City Mission and the veterans we serve.