City Mission Mourns Beloved Employee and Warrior for Christ

Doug Bush Leaves a Legacy of Love, Grace, and Faith
All who knew Doug Bush knew he was not someone to sit still for very long. He was always doing something or going somewhere. On Monday October 9th, Doug made his final trip and went home to be with the one who changed and transformed his life, Jesus Christ. Doug was surrounded by family and friends when he made his final journey.
Doug faithfully served City Mission in Washington, PA for over 24 years. His love for the work, and most importantly for God, showed in every moment of his day. He was a tireless advocate for individuals in recovery and his message of hope and testimony of faith have been heard around the globe. Doug served in many roles during his over two-decade time at City Mission: in the donations center; in the Programs department; and served as Chaplain -- he touched countless lives in all his roles.
Doug’s laugh and presence could be felt in any room and this helped him make connections, too numerous to list. He then turned those connections into help for many people finding their way into recovery and into church homes. Doug always took time for people -- whether it was stopping to pray with someone, taking a phone call, or sending a text message. If he couldn’t help with something, he always found someone who could.
He served in the community through his ministry as the Pastor of Legacy Recovery Church -- a part of Legacy Church International. He presided over many weddings and even more baptisms in the City Mission’s Porter Pillow and Peggy Beaver Pillow Chapel.
Doug leaves a legacy of love, grace, and faith. No one will be able to replace Doug Bush. But together we can continue his work: by sharing the love of God with those who are hurting; giving one another grace; and remembering that a smile goes a long way.
There is a section of scripture that reminds me of Doug. It is found in Mathew chapter 25 versus 35 – 36, “for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” For me, this verse describes Doug Bush. He will be greatly missed.
Arrangements for Doug Bush are as follows:
Viewing: Friday, October 13th from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM and 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Funeral: Saturday, October 14th at 11:00 AM doors open at 10:00 AM
All of the Above will be held at Life Church 100 North Main Street, Washington, PA 15301
After Service Meal: Saturday,October 14th, 12:30pm at City Mission, 84 W. Wheeling St, Washington, PA
For those wanting to honor Doug and his Christ-focused legacy, the family requests making donations to either City Mission or by check to address listed above) or by check to Legacy Church International, 200 N. Forrest Ave., Washington, PA 15301, noting Doug Bush in memorial.
In His Name,

Dean R. Gartland, MS on behalf of City Mission staff
Friend of Doug Bush and President/CEO of City Mission