Meet Sherry

Sherry Visits Almost Daily to Eat Meals, Attend Chapel Services, Visit with Friends, or Pray with Residents and Staff at the Samaritan Care Center
Sherry lives in the Washington community, within walking distance of City Mission, and though she has never been a resident, she comes almost daily to eat meals, attend chapel services, visit with friends, or pray with residents and staff at the Samaritan Care Center, City Mission’s community outreach. Everybody at City Mission knows Sherry. Staff, residents, and community walk-ins see her regularly on campus, greeting everyone with a smile.
In June of 2015, City Mission suffered a devastating fire. Sherry was concerned for the people who rely on the Mission to get by. “It was scary," she said. “And I thought, ‘Where are those guys going to go?"
For years, Sherry has been part of the fabric of the City Mission tapestry. She helps to build the sense of love and community that makes everyone here feel like family. “I love coming to the Mission. I love the people,” she said. “It’s like a second home to me.”
In June of 2015, City Mission suffered a devastating fire. Sherry was concerned for the people who rely on the Mission to get by. “It was scary," she said. “And I thought, ‘Where are those guys going to go?" I don’t know what I would have done if my place burnt down and I had nowhere to go.”
Sherry was determined to show love to her neighbors in any way she could. She donated several bags of canned food and some clothing of her own. Then, she went around the community and collected more clothes and food items and donated those to City Mission as well. “I prayed about it,” she said. “If I was in their situation, I’d want someone to help me out.”
Through the Samaritan Care Center, City Mission is able to provide love, support, fellowship, and prayer to Sherry and many of her neighbors in the Washington community.
“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” ~Mark 12:30-31