New Murals for Veterans Shelter

Staff from the State Correctional Institute (SCI) of Fayette Came to City Mission to Install the Canvasses - Previously Painted by Inmates.
Two beautiful, new murals were installed yesterday at the Crabtree-Kovacicek Veterans House. Five staff members from the State Correctional Institute (SCI) of Fayette came to City Mission to install the canvasses, which had been previously painted by inmates.
“We started the mural arts workshop in April of 2016,” said Jeff Bigam, the Activities Manager at SCI. “We currently have 11 guys in the program.” All of the murals are painted in a workshop next to Bigam’s office. “It’s a good process,” Bigam explained, “The guys are allowed in the workshop whenever I’m in my office, so they have supervision right there. Everything gets painted in the workshop instead of taking the inmates out to paint.”
Once the murals are finished, the canvasses are installed at various locations throughout the facility. “This is our first donation to the community,” Bigam said of the two military murals that now reside at the ends of the two hallways of the veterans’ dormitories. “It took a couple of months to paint these. The guys really care about the work that comes out of the workshop.”
The murals depict, in vivid color and stunning detail, all five branches of the military and represent the honor, perseverance, and unity of the men in the Crabtree Kovacicek Veterans House. “All of the residents think the murals are amazing,” said Steve Adams,City Mission’s Manager of Veterans Services.